2021艺术深圳参展画廊 | 麦勒画廊
2021-08-11 20:55 来源:文博会

Galerie Urs Meile
2017年5月,画廊798艺术区新空间的开幕标志着画廊迈入了一个新的阶段。画廊新空间位于798艺术区,该区域曾是大山子工业厂房。这一曾经的厂房在日本设计师Mitsunori Sano的设计指导下焕然一新。520平米的空间囊括了大展厅、接待区、办公室以及仓库,新空间具备绝佳的展览条件,能满足当代艺术家的多元的展览需求,与此同时,新空间也兑现了麦勒画廊对这座城市充满活力的艺术圈的承诺。
Since its establishment in 1992, Galerie Urs Meile has contributed to the presentation and dissemination of contemporary art, from painting and sculpture to photography, installation and video. The gallery is working from two locations: Lucerne (Switzerland) and Beijing (China). While its center of operations is based in Switzerland, the Beijing gallery has established itself as an international meeting place for collectors, curators, artists and aficionados of the arts.
Galerie Urs Meile was one of the first international galleries to focus on the Chinese art scene and has been working on an international level with Chinese artists since 1995. The gallery represents established artists such as Wang Xingwei, Xie Nanxing, Qiu Shihua, Not Vital, as well as emerging artists such as Cao Yu, Chen Fei, Cheng Ran, Li Gang, Zhou Siwei, Hu Qingyan and Julia Steiner.
The opening of Galerie Urs Meile’s new space in the 798 Art District in Beijing in May 2017 marks a further stage in the expansion of the gallery’s activities. The new space is located in one of 798’s historical buildings that once made up the Dashanzi factory complex. The former warehouse has been completely renovated under the guidance of the Japanese architect Mitsunori Sano. On 520 square meters, it contains generous exhibition and reception areas, offices, and storage rooms. Offering perfect conditions for exhibitions and events featuring its diverse roster of contemporary artists, the new venue represents Galerie Urs Meile’s commitment to the city’s vibrant art scene.
作 品 推 荐
Recommended Works
Cao Yu,I Just Don't Want You to Live Better Than I Do, variable channel neon,sign ∅ 100 cm, thickness: 10 cm,2021
胡庆雁,空碗III,大理石,23 × 76 × 68 cm,2019
Hu Qingyan, Empty Bowl III, marble 23 × 76 × 68 cm, 2019
鞠婷,无题061920,木板丙烯,75 × 63 × 11 cm,2020
Ju Ting, Untitled 061920, acrylic on board,75 × 63 × 11 cm, 2020
李钢,井水,手工布面油画,125 × 120 cm,2018
Li Gang, Well Water,oil on hand-made canvas, 125 × 120 cm, 2018
邱世华,无题 (Qiu Sh54712),布面油画,110 × 70 cm
Qiu Shihua, Untitled, (Qiu Sh54712),oil on canvas, 110 × 70 cm
Rebekka Steiger,pacman,布面水墨蛋彩油画,240 × 200 cm,2020
Rebekka Steiger, pacman,tempera, ink and oil on canvas, 240 × 200 cm, 2020
张雪瑞,216 202006,180 × 120 cm,布面丙烯,2020
Zhang Xuerui, 216 202006, acrylic on canvas, 180 × 120 cm, 2020
The 2021 Art Shenzhen will be held as scheduled in Hall 6 of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from September 9 to September 12, 2021. The exhibition will bring together 72 top galleries and professional art institutions from 28 cities in 12 countries around the world. Among these attendants, 26 galleries will be bringing brand-new artistic aesthetic experiences to the public at Art Shenzhen for the first time. 2021 Art Shenzhen is looking forward to your participation with more attendant galleries, more exhibition sections and more academic content!
聚焦2021 · 第九届艺术深圳
Focus 2021︱The Ninth Art Shenzhen
Hall No.6,Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center
(Fuhua 3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen)
来源 | 艺术深圳ArtShenzhen