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评审专家公布 |深圳市龙华区LOGO标志设计全球征集火热进行中

评审专家公布 |深圳市龙华区LOGO标志设计全球征集火热进行中





International judges are here!

曹雪 × 刘永清 × Carlo Maria Rossi(意大利)

张达利 × 朱焯信(中国澳门)

Cao Xue × Liu Yongqing × C.M.R(Italy)

Zhang Dali × James Chu(Macao.China)


(In an alphabetical order by the first letter of last name)

曹雪 / Cao Xue


Cao Xue is the dean, professor, master's supervisor and deputy director of the Academic Committee, School of Visual Art and Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; director of Animation and Digital Media Education Steering Committee of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education; vice chairman of Canton Animation Comic Association; vice chairman of Design Arts Committee of Guangdong Artists Association; vice chairman of Guangzhou Artists Association. His design includes Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games mascot, Guangzhou's first city image, Asian Cuisine Festival logo, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Police Association emblem, Guangzhou Public Security logo, and Poly Group logo. He was awarded as “Outstanding Teacher in Southern Guangdong”, “Outstanding Individual of China Cultural and Creative Industry Innovation Award 2019” , “Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Advertiser of ADMEN Awards". He is a senior visiting scholar specially invited by DAAD of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, and a columnist.

▼个人代表作品 Representative works






刘永清 / Liu Yongqing

华思品牌营销机构创始人、深圳市平面设计协会第七届主席、十大年度创意人物、意大利全球最佳品牌大奖评委,GDC17设计奖评委、白金创意国际设计大赛评委、KTK靳埭强设计奖评委、深圳文化基金评审专家、方正字库特邀字体设计师、广州美术学院研究生课程导师及多所院校客座教授。为三百多家企业做过品牌整合服务,作品多次在国内外设计大赛中获奖,如: Good Design创新设计奖,七彩设计奖视觉类最佳奖,金点国际设计奖最高荣誉奖, GDC11-13全球设计大赛最佳设计奖, HKDA13环球设计大赛银奖两项、铜奖多项,东京TDC13字体指导俱乐部全球年度设计提名奖,中国设计大展最佳设奖,意大利全球年度形象设计最佳设计奖等200余项。

He is the founder of Hua Si Brand Marketing & Design Agency, former Chairman of Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA), Top Ten Creative Figures of the Year, the judge of Italy Global Best Brand Design Award, judge of GDC17 Design Award, judge of Platinum Creative International Design Competition, the judge of KTK Kan Tai-Keung Design Award, the judge of Shenzhen Cultural Foundation, special font designer of Founder Type, the tutor for postgraduates at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and guest professor of many colleges and universities. He has provided design and branding service for over 300 companies. He has won over been 200 awards, including Japan’s Good Design Award, Visual Award of Shenzhen Creative Design Award, Golden Pin Design Award, the Best Design Award of GDC11 and GDC13, two Silver Awards and several Bronze Awards of HKDA Global Design Awards 2013, nomination of Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2013, Best Design Award of China Design Exhibition and Best Design Award of Italy Global Annual Image Design.

▼个人代表作品 Representative works






罗旭(意大利) / Carlo Maria Rossi(Italy)

Carlo Maria Rossi罗旭是一位多方位的艺术家,毕业于意大利罗马美术学院,从事布景和展览空间设计、数字设计和现代艺术。在视觉艺术、雕塑、舞台设计、数字装置、摄影等领域的均有建树,近年更是将工作领域扩展到了虚拟现实领域。

Carlo Maria Rossi is a Multidisciplinary Artist who works across visual art, sculpture, stage design, digital installation, photography and has recently extended him practice to VR. Graduated from Academy of Fine Arts,Rome specializing in Set and Exhibition Space Design, Digital Design and Modern Art.

▼个人代表作品 Representative works







张达利 / Zhang Dali



Born in Xi'an, China in 1960; graduated from the Design Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1987; founded Shenzhen Zhang Dali Design Co., Ltd. and served as the creative director in 1995; a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI); academic member of Shenzhen Graphic Design Association; judge of GDC2013 graphic design campaign.

Awards: 2012 Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Awards Gold Award, Jury Award and Excellent Award; two Bronze Awards of “the First China Design Art Exhibition 2008”; Bronze Awards and Excellent Awards of GDC graphic design in China from 2005 to 2011; Grand Prix, Gold Award and Jury Award of “GDC graphic design in China 2003”; Grand Prix of Poland International Biennial for Computer Design Art 1997.

▼个人代表作品 Representative works



未知城市:中国当代建筑装置影像展 2018

大象空间品牌展示 2019



朱焯信(中国澳门) / James Chu(Macao.China)


James Chu was born in Macau.China. During the 1990s, he studied engraving at the Macau Visual Art Academy. He holds a BA in Graphic Communication from the School of Arts, Macau Polytechnic Institute (1998). In 2008, he completed a Master’s Degree on Cultural Studies, at The Lingnan University, in Hong Kong. He is the founder of Art For All Society and the former Chairman of Macau Designers Association. Currently he serves as the Exhibition Director and Founder of Macau Design Centre, Director and Founder of Zhuhai-Macau Design Centre, Coordinator and Founder of Tak Chun Macau Art Garden and member of China Art Society. James has held 7 solo exhibitions in Macau and Beijing as well as participated in more than 100 group exhibitions worldwide. Over the past 20 years, he was awarded more than 50 International Design and Art awards.

▼个人代表作品 Representative works







The year 2020 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and also it is the closing year of the 13th Five-Year Plan. The year 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the opening year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. In order to build digital Longhua in an all-round way, accelerate the completion of the central axis new city, and develop the core area of Shenzhen city with high standards, the Publicity Department of the CPC Shenzhen Longhua District Committee and the Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA) open call for the LOGO design of Longhua District globally. This is expected to further enhance Longhua District’s public relations, upgrade the public image of the new urban area in the new era, create an international intellectual property for Longhua, and shape a globally recognizable visual identity system for Longhua District.





Longhua District is located in the geographical center of Shenzhen city and the central axis of urban development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Longhua New District was established in 2011, and then upgraded and renamed as Longhua Administrative District in 2017. It enjoys a superior geographical location: has two A-class scenic spots, being adjacent to “six districts and one city” and ringed on three sides by mountains and one lake on one side. Longhua has a deep cultural heritage, with the intersection of Hakka culture, red culture and fashion culture. Also, Longhua is a major industrial district in Shenzhen, gathering high-tech and emerging start-ups and resources. Longhua District is home to Shenzhen North Railway Station, the mega integrated transportation hub in the Greater Bay Area, from where it only takes 15 minutes to West Kowloon, Hong Kong. With that, Longhua District has a “Half-hour Living Circle” with Hong Kong and Guangzhou city, and a “4-hour Living Circle” with Wuhan city and Xiamen city.

In the digital era, concepts of distance, speed and time are being disrupted, and the division and formation of functional areas and the way of resource allocation are also being reshaped. Digitization empowers economic development and innovation is leading the era. When analyzing the urbanization and economic laws as well as understanding the future industrial development, Longhua District has given full play to the potential of resources endowment and location conditions of cities, promoting the next stage of urbanization development. Longhua District will seize the "chemical effect" and "multiplier effect" superimposed by the major historical opportunities of "double zone" construction and comprehensive reform pilot, and take the lead in the new journey of socialist modernization!

The first five years of the “14th Five-Year Plan” are critical five years for Longhua to build the core area of the urban axis and to transform. During the coming five years, Longhua District will be committed to integrating the city’s industrial resources, building a digital economic circle with an output of trillions of yuan, creating a central vitality zone in Shenzhen, becoming a north-south corridor of innovation, ecology and intellectual manufacturing, and building a blueprint of regional development pattern of “One Circle, One District and Three Corridors”. In addition, Longhua District will focus on building a modern, international and innovative central axis new city in the Greater Bay Area, develop digital Longhua to achieve the “Three-sphere Integrated Plan”, develop the digital economy, build it into a digital city, implement the digital governance.

Longhua District will stand on a new starting point to build the city system, realize a new development pattern in the process of dual circulation, and construct new strategic advantages for the future development of the city, thereby catalyzing the continuous enhancement of the city’s gathering and radiation capacities and realizing the iterative change of the city. Furthermore, on top of the core city, the city of innovation, the city of ecology, the city of happiness and the city of industriousness, Longhua will shape the public image of the domestic first-class and internationally renowned central city. Longhua District invites you to unlock creativity and innovation together!



Global Solicitation on Logo of Longhua District,Shenzhen









1 Grand Prize Winner:Bonus ¥150,000 + Award Certificate (*and the priority of being adopted as the logo of Longhua District, Shenzhen)

5 Outstanding Winners:Bonus ¥10,000 + Award Certificate

1 Network Popularity Award Winner:Bonus ¥5,000 + Award Certificate

(Note:The above bonuses are all pre-tax amounts. Winners shall pay taxes in accordance with the laws of the relevant countries [including but not limited to the People’s Republic of China] and related regions).


Global designers, designer groups, design institutions, teachers and students at design schools and academies, as well as individuals, teams and institutions that love art, design and creativity are eligible to submit logo designs.






Deadline: March 31, 2021 (Beijing time)

(*This deadline is for mail delivery. Late applicants will not be eligible.)

Review Date: April 15, 2021 (tentative)

Internet Selection: April 22 - 28, 2021 (tentative)



支持单位:香港设计中心 / 香港设计师协会 / 澳门设计中心 / 澳门设计师协会 / 深圳市室内设计师协会 / 深圳市设计与艺术联盟 / 深圳市室内建筑设计行业协会 / 深圳市公共艺术中心

支持院校:中央美术学院设计学院 / 中国美术学院设计艺术学院 / 清华大学美术学院视觉传达设计系 / 广州美术学院视觉艺术设计学院 / 四川美术学院设计艺术学院 / 澳门科技大学人文艺术学院 / 同济大学设计创意学院 / 深圳大学艺术设计学院 / 深圳职业技术学院艺术设计学院

支持媒体:视觉中国 / 站酷ZCOOL / 古田路9号 / Design 360° / A963设计网 / 陆俊毅_设计现场 / 设计驱动DND

Sponsor: Publicity Department of CPC Shenzhen Longhua District Committee

Organizer: Shenzhen Graphic Design Association

Supporting Entities: Hong Kong Design Center, Hong Kong Designers Association, Macau Design Center, Macau Designers Association, Shenzhen Association of Interior Designers, Shenzhen Art & Design Alliance,Shenzhen Institute of Interior Design, Shenzhen Public Art Center

Supporting Academies: Design School, Central Academy of Fine Arts; Design & Art College, China Academy of Art; Department of Visual Communication, Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University; School of Visual Arts Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; Design Academy, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute; Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Macau University of Science and Technology; College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University; Art School, Shenzhen University; Art & Design School, Shenzhen Polytechnic

Supporting Media: www.vcg. com, ZCOOL, www.cndesign.com, www.gtn9.com, Design 360°, www.a963.com, Lu Junyi Design Live,Design Driven


2、所有提交作品需包含完整中英文名称“深圳·龙华Longhua District”、龙华区宣传标语“数字龙华·中轴新城Digital Longhua · Central Axis New City”与LOGO的基本组合方式;场景化应用设计延展兼具充足的形象表现力和艺术感染力,适用于整体形象组合及多种应用,如建筑外观、展会展览、路牌标志、宣传资料、数字媒体等其它衍生产品;

3、每件作品需提交一幅精度为300dpi的JPG格式图片文件,尺寸为 210mm x 210mm。提交一份A3的横式排版文件,上版面LOGO居中,下版面放3-5张延展图及设计说明,详情参见投稿作品示意图(网盘内可下载)。作品图片上任何地方均不能出现任何作者或参与机构的相关信息。

4、投稿作品须在《报名表》内以中英文双语填写作品的创作思路、理念和含义,字数各在200字以内。连同《参赛承诺函》(下载链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UEd1lbqiNBjxipBhWLtKhA 密码: mibm),一并以邮件方式发送至征集官方邮箱:LH_logo@163.com



1. Participants should base on the urban positioning of Longhua District, seize the city’s cultural heritage, and fully combine the urban development direction, industry, humanity, function and other characteristics of Longhua District. Besides, the participants should provide a new logo design program with a distinctive theme and a prominent temperament of the era.

2. All entries should contain the complete Chinese and English names “深圳·龙华Shenzhen· Longhua District”, Longhua District’s publicity slogans “数字龙华·中轴新城(Digital Longhua · Central Axis New City)” and LOGO. All entries should have scenario-based application design extension and sufficient image expression and artistic appeal. Besides, all entries should be suitable for overall image combination and various applications, such as architectural appearance, exhibition, road signs, publicity materials, digital media and other derivative products;

3. Each work should be submitted as a JPG image with a precision of 300dpi and a size of 210mm x 210mm. Each participant should submit an A3 horizontal layout file with the logo centered in the upper layout and 3-5 extensions and design descriptions in the lower layout.(Reference can be downloaded from the network disk). For details, please refer to the diagram of the submitted works. In addition, no information about the authors or participating organizations may appear anywhere on the images of the works.

4. All entries must include the creative idea, concept and meaning of the works in both English and Chinese in the Entry Form, and the word count should be limited to 200 words, respectively. Besides, submissions should be emailed to the official email address (LH_logo@163.com) together with the Commitment Letter (Download link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UEd1lbqiNBjxipBhWLtKhA; extraction code: mibm).

5. Each entry must be submitted in one email. The title should be standardized as “Longhua District LOGO Design Open Call + Name + Mobile Phone Number”. The award-winners should provide a video animation of the LOGO to cooperate with the Organizing Committee for the subsequent extension production.

6. All entries must be the original works of the submitters who shall assume the complete legal responsibility for the copyright of their submitted works. Besides, the jury has the right to reject any work suspected of plagiarism.




The ones who design to participate in the activity

Please read the detailed requirements carefully

And directly submit your work to the email of the Organizing Committee

邮箱地址 E-mail


咨询电话 Tel ☎️

+86-0755-88606391(肖女士 Ms.Xiao)


Longhua District Government Online:



The LOGO Organizing Committee reserves the right of final interpretation.


深圳市平面设计协会(SGDA)成立于1995年,是国内首个非牟利的平面设计专业组织, 旨在展现杰出的设计成就、鼓励和促进专业创作和探索的学术精神,推动社会对设计的关注和平面设计发展。促进协会和国际专业机构的学术交流。协会尊重每一位会员的同时让会员分享协会的荣耀、并努力成为观念开放和领先的学术研究者和专业实践者。


电话 Tel 丨0755 - 8860 6391

邮件 E-mail 丨gdc@sgda.cc

官网 Web丨www.sgda.cc

微博 Weibo 丨@GDC平面设计在中国

微信 WeChat丨GDC-1992





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