外眼看深|144小时免签带火过境深圳游 关于中国他们了解多少?
2024-08-17 23:32
来源: 深圳新闻网

外眼看深|144小时免签带火过境深圳游 关于中国他们了解多少?

深圳新闻网2024年8月17日讯(记者 杨佳慧 张宇杰 实习生 李逸凡 傅明伟)3个小时可以做什么?对于外籍旅客来说,3个小时可以让他们来一场特种兵之旅,还可以完成一场关于中国和深圳的快问快答。



What can you do in 3 hours? For foreign tourists,3 hours can allow them to have a special forces tour and complete a quick question and answer session about China and Shenzhen.

On August 10,Shenzhen Happy Harbor welcomed a group of tourists from Barcelona.Benefiting from China's 144-hour visa-free transit exemption, Chinese travel and Shenzhen travel have also become popular! 

These foreign tourists"opened" the book of Shenzhen in 3 hours.They took the"Bay Glory "Ferris wheel, took a double-decker bus to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Bao'an,and took the time to answer our fun questions "What are some well-known brands in China? What is the abbreviation of Guangdong?" 

Let's see how much they know about China?




[编辑:张玲 牛祉策] [责任编辑:战旗]