

外眼看深 |太方便了!他们眼中的移动支付:一旦用上就离不开

2024-09-02 18:25 来源:深圳新闻网



深圳新闻网2024年9月2日讯(记者 杨佳慧 阎思远 实习生 傅明伟 李逸凡)一部手机就能畅游中国?多亏了便捷的移动支付!据相关数据显示,2024年上半年,中国接待国际游客1463.5万人次,同比增长152.7%。目前我国也在不断提高文旅场所入境消费支付体验和服务水平,今天跟随深圳新闻网记者一起来到深圳蛇口,听听看外国游客对移动支付使用感受。

据了解,外国人来华现在可以在机场、酒店、商场等消费场所使用境外银行卡支付。Rahsende Atay说,在土耳其没有类似的电子支付系统,而在中国生活了3年的韩国青年김지운和양준모也说,“虽然韩国也有类似的支付系统,但是还是中国的微信支付和支付宝更方便。”来自美国的Myron表示,“我回到美国,没有类似支付宝和微信支付的这么方便的支付方式,真的很郁闷。”

来自毛里求斯的Eva表示自己不喜欢带着现金,微信支付和支付宝是最棒的。在深圳出生长大的印度姑娘Divyanshi Jain也表示快捷支付使用起来很容易上手,任何地方都能使用。


Can you travel around China with just a mobile phone? Thanks to convenient mobile payment! According to relevant data, in the first half of 2024, China received 14.635 million international tourists, a year-on-year increase of 152.7%. At present, my country is also constantly improving the payment experience and service level of inbound consumption in cultural and tourism venues. 

Today, follow the Shenzhen News Network reporter to Shenzhen Shekou to listen to foreign tourists' experience of using mobile payment.

It is understood that foreigners can now use overseas bank cards to pay in airports, hotels, shopping malls and other consumer places when they come to China. In Turkey, Rahsende Atay said there is no similar electronic payment system, and Korean youth 김지운 and 양준모, who have lived in China for 3 years, also said, "Although South Korea also has similar payment systems, China's WeChat Pay and Alipay are more convenient." 

Myron from the United States also said, "I returned to the United States and there is no such convenient payment method as Alipay and WeChat Pay. It's really depressing."

Eva from Mauritius said she didn't like to carry cash, and WeChat Pay and Alipay were the best. Divyanshi Jain from India also said that quick payment was easy to use and could be used anywhere.

[编辑:张玲 牛祉策] [责任编辑:黄春才]